About Us

We are Sanja and Stevan Armaković and this is our official internet presentation. We are researchers and teachers at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, and we are running an NGO dedicated to the development of international academic and scientific collaboration (AIDASCO).
Use this web site to find out more about our research and teaching activities, and other things we care. Follow the links to our personal pages.
Dr. Sanja Armaković, PhD in Analytical and Physical Chemistry
Dr. Stevan Armaković, PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Our numbers

Some of our achievements expressed in numbers

Published papers
Pre-publication reviews
Total number of projects
Years of experience


We were born in Sremska Mitrovica, the town on the left bank of river Sava. Although it is a small town 70 km far from Belgrade, it has rich ancient history. The ancient name of Sremska Mitrovica was Sirmium and this glorious city was one of the four capitols of the great Roman Empire during the time of tetrarchy. Many Roman Emperors were born in or in close vicinity of Sirmium. 

There are numerous excavations of the ancient city of Sirmium visited by many tourists. Wherever you dig in Sremska Mitrovica you will find remainings of the ancient city. 

While Stevan spent all of his childhood in Sremska Mitrovica, Sanja spent all of her childhood in Šid, a small town 40 km far from Mitrovica, just at the border with Croatia. Šid attracted attention thanks to the famous painter Sava Šumanović, who lived and created in Šid for many years. Located at the slopes of Fruška Gora (latin Alma Mons), Šid is surrounded with beautiful locations in nature perfect for rest and battery recharge 🙂

Geographically and administratively, both Sremska Mitrovica and Šid belong to Srem district, which is part of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Srem (or Syrmia) is most famous by food products (dried meat), rakia, wine and tambourine music.

Highlights from Šid and Sremska Mitrovica

Lake Sot

One of the beautiful natural resorts of Šid municipality. Be sure to visit the website of the civic society organization “Sotsko Jezero” that takes care of this natural gem.

One of the best known Serbian painters who’s work is recognized and celebrated worldwide. Sava lived and created in Šid for years. His house is also opened for visits.



In ancient times Sremska Mitrovica was known as Sirmium, one of the capitals of the Roman empire. 10 emperors were born in or in the near vicinity of this glorius city

Carska_palata_Sirmijum1 wiki

Imperial palace is one of the most famous remains of the ancient city of Sirmium. Recently, the whole complex was reconstructed and the site is opened for public visits.