JSME is a free molecular editor developed by Peter Ertl and Bruno Bienfait [1]. It has been written in JavaScript and it allows you, among many other great things, to easily draw molecule and export it to .mol format or to SMILES sequence. Be sure to check the official website of this wonderful project: https://jsme-editor.github.io/
JSME is available for embedding to the WordPress page thanks to the free plugin developed by Kaspars Jaudzems.
You can use the JSME on this webpage to draw a molecule, and then use that structure (or SMILES sequence) for calculations on other tools. When you draw a molecule, press right mouse button and select SMILES or .mol options, the program will produce the text for copying it into the file.
[1] Bienfait, B., Ertl, P. JSME: a free molecule editor in JavaScript. J Cheminform 5, 24 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1758-2946-5-24